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Our Story

In February 2022, our country was already grappling with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic when another crisis struck - a shortage of baby formula in the U.S.  This shortage was caused by a recall, and it affected parents across the country, particularly single parents who were already struggling with the challenges of work, childcare, homeschooling, and protecting their families from COVID.


To help these single parents, a retired Air Force veteran, Betty Dudley, Lt Colonel, put herself in their shoes and decided to take action. She founded Bee's Babies Essentials, Inc. in August 2022 to support single parents who were facing a variety of challenges, including caring for disabled children, dealing with sickness, homelessness, and abuse, and struggling to achieve financial independence.


Through Bee's Babies Essentials, Inc., Betty aims to provide these parents with the tools, resources, and support they need to overcome these challenges and create a healthy, nurturing environment for their children. Her goal is to help these families build a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Meet Our Founders

Betty Dudley, Lt Colonel (Ret), USAF

Betty Dudley is the founder and President of Bee’s Babies Essentials, Inc. Betty is a service-disabled veteran who served 21 years in the United States Air Forces and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. She directed administration and personnel policy programs for Group, Base, and Wing Commanders and Senior Executive Service Director of Personnel. 


She was selected to command the Missions Support Squadron at Pope AFB, NC, where she directed personnel programs and administratively supported over 12,000 DoD and dependent personnel and retirees. She directed the evaluation and analysis of all personnel programs through the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS) across the Future Year’s Defense Program for the HQ USAF at the Pentagon. She served as the Directorate’s representative on the Personnel and Training panel where she and the panel analyzed 177 program elements totaling $8.3B (11%) of AF total Obligation Authority. Betty directed her office personnel evacuation during the 9-11 terrorist attack. 


After retirement, Betty was employed as a contractor supporting Federal Government programs and analysis, conference support, and cybersecurity awareness and training programs. She has had a passion for unwed mothers, and after seeing the baby formula shortage, she realized that many single parents, not just mothers, were struggling to provide the basic essential items and supplies needed for their babies. 


From this need, Bee’s Babies Essentials was established to make a difference in the lives of the least of these, our most precious human resources. Betty is the author of the book, “Called to Serve, Empowered by Faith, Humbled by Grace.” She is married to retired Chief Master Sergeant George Dudley.

Called to Serve: Empowered by Faith, Humbled by Grace

By Betty J. Dudley
Lt Col (Ret), USAF



George Dudley, CMSgt (Ret), USAF


George Dudley is co-founder of Bee’s Babies essentials, Inc. George is a retired United States Air Force Chief Master (E-9) with 28 ½ years of service to our Country, as Chief, Executive Services, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters United States Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia. On many occasions he acted as personal Senior Enlisted Advisor to General Officers. George Served as the Spectrum Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy, supporting Program Offices and 14 National Laboratories in Federal Frequency Assignment Management requirements. During his career he has served as Chief, Executive Services, Office of the Chief of Staff, Air Force Systems Command; Assistant Executive Officer, Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe; Director, Electronic Government and Standards Division, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Energy; Director of Security, President’s Y2K Information Coordination Center. He is a graduate of the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, and the recipient of the Air Force “Legion of Merit” Medal. He is married to retiredLieutenant Colonel Betty Dudley.

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